
Oh, How He Loves Us So...

John Mark McMillan - How He Loves: A Story

This song and story is an absolutely amazing example of an honest relationship with God. This video is immensely inspiring to me both as a musician and as a believer. I couldn't help but share.

So let me ask the questions that have been running through my mind. Are you afraid of being honest with God? Do you get so lost in the desire to be disciplined as a believer that you forget the awesome simplicity of your relationship with the Father?

Comment with your thoughts.


  1. Hi Caleb!

    It's Jessica Seachrist here, we rode the same bus when you guys went to CCA ions ago. Looks like you're doing well! I heard about your blog through Ben Davis today.

    I love the story of "How He Loves". It's so real. It is so important for us as followers of Jesus to follow in His relational footsteps...He called God Abba or Daddy. He knew Him as Dad. I love having a perfect Dad who I can be myself with. I think that because we have an enemy who is seeking to destroy anything he can, we can end up believing that we have to act or be a certain way around God, and that just keeps us away from having a "real" relationship with Him. He loves us completely, He is so good!!!

  2. Hey Jessica! Thanks for the comment. It was fun hanging out tonight!

    Great thoughts. It seems we get so used to putting on a show for other people that we keep it up with ourselves and with God. It's just prideful! Really, we are nothing and God is our everything. Once we realize that, we will finally be able to be up front with Him.
